Sunday, March 4, 2012

SM Men's Fashion Summer 2012 Catalog featuring models Hideo, Benjamin, Pedro, Zaydan, Pedro D., Nathaniel and Robson

PH: Frank Hoefsmit (Mens) and Jo Ann Bitagcol (Boys/Teens)
Styling: Luis Espiritu, Jr. (Mens), Mike De Guzman and George Palmiano (Boys/Teens)
Make-Up: Bobby Carlos
Hair: Jaime Sy
Models: Hideo (Mercator), Benjamin (Reco), Pedro and Zaydan (IM Agency) for Menswear; Pedro D. (Reco), Nat (Mercator), Robson (IM Agency)


  1. The Best And The Hottest, Yet!..

  2. All guys are looking really hot and outfits are impressive , half sleeve jacket is looking good but if there was half sleeve leather jacket it will look much better.
